Friday, November 13, 2009


I'll level with you, I'm not the worlds best artist. Sure, I can get that pencil in hand and I can doodle a few thing around, and I can sketch this, and dab a paintbrush around that but I'm not as good as other people, and I find my real talent lies in writing and creating short stories.

Since being a young grasshopper, I've loved comic books and as I'm now 18 and a half, the passion still isn't dying...So I thought to myself that the best thing to do is to pursue the things I love in life and see where they take me.

I've decided that I really want to get into the comic book industry, like REALLY want to, however I'm not the all singing, all dancing comic machine and I need some help to get me there.

I'm proposing to start a new independent/self published comic book series to sell and circulate round the world. I'm willing to work with anyone; young, old, small, big, fat, thin...I really don't mind, but I just want to work with passionate people.

Just so you know a bit more about me, and if you want to work with me, my name is Jacob, I'm 18 and I live in the south west of England. My main comic book influences are the original 1962 Stan Lee/Steve Ditko Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man series (Early, not been keeping up with the ones of late) Spider-Man: Blue and a few more...but I don't want to bore you.

As for the money side of this offer, I'm willing to split any profits 50/50, but right now I can't really pay you.

This is a passion for comics with the side pleasure of wages. Think of it like that.

Email - Deardyer [AT] hotmail [DOT] co [DOT] uk

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